I just got back from Alebtong, in Northern Uganda, where I worked as a field volunteer for 6 weeks, photographing and teaching a photography workshop with youth at A River Blue (www.ariverblue.org), an arts empowerment organization serving people displaced by the conflict between the Lord's Resistance Army and the Ugandan government. Thanks to a donation of instant film from Fujifilm USA, the students explored and photographed daily life in the community. They completed a photo mural, as well as a painted mural and a journal project, and wrote their biographies with accompanying portraits. I asked them to write or draw a picture from their dreams in their journals each morning, and finally we chose texts and drawings from their dreams to paint on the wall around the traced outlines of their bodies.
Every day, we worked together on different projects: uprooting onions and bundling them for sale at the market, cutting grass, harvesting eggplants. I was constantly making photos of their activities as well as photographing in and around Alebtong.
With the holidays right around the corner, I am offering a selection of 11x14" prints at a reduced rate to help support my upcoming projects and A River Blue- 10 percent of all sales will be donated to A River Blue. Each photograph costs $100 plus shipping and handling, printed on high-quality paper.
The deadline to order prints is 8 December 2009 at midnight EST. Prints will be shipped by 18 December at the latest.
To purchase prints, please click on the paypal links below. If you would like to pay by cash or check, please contact me directly by email: jh [at] jenniferhuxta [dot] com
Thank you infinitely for your support!
The future is unwritten. Jennifer Huxta

Robert playing volleyball

Colline winnowing cow peas

The hill

After the market

Geoffrey cutting grass

After rain, the ants come

Moroto County, Alebtong

Selly's extensions out

Josephine with Lana, going home